Being productive when working from home can be very tough with all the distractions. A lot of people have trouble staying focused for long periods or managing their daily schedules properly. If you are used to working in a controlled office space, you may now realize how important structure is and want to bring some back into your everyday life. Thankfully, there are tons of tricks, tools, and methods that you can use to be more productive. Let’s take a look at a few easy ways that you can increase your productivity when working from home.
Listen to Your Body
If you feel uncomfortable all day, it will be impossible to reach peak productivity. You need to understand how your body works and learn a bit about ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science of arranging and designing spaces and objects that humans will be able to interact safely and efficiently with. The goal is to create more efficient environments that feel as natural as possible for the human body while boosting productivity.
Working in a space that is not ergonomic will affect your productivity in many ways. For one, you might end up feeling tired or in too much pain to do any type of meaningful work after a while. You could also end up developing injuries that will affect your performance, like severe neck issues or carpal tunnel syndrome.
If you want to learn more about ergonomics, we suggest you check out ergonomics 101 by Branch Furniture. They explain everything you need to know about ergonomics and how to know if your current workspace is ergonomically sound or not. You’ll also learn how you can arrange your space to reduce neck and back pain, eye strain, and how to position yourself to be as comfortable as possible.
Use the Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s and is getting a lot of attention lately. This technique is perfect for people who have difficulty working on one specific task for long periods. With the Pomodoro Technique, you never have to work more than 25 minutes at a time. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on whatever task non-stop for the whole period. Once the time is up, take a break of about 5 to 10 minutes. Do this for four cycles. After the fourth cycle, you can take a longer 20 to 30 minutes break, then start the cycle again.
You can also adapt this method depending on your preferences. If you feel like you can do more than 25 minutes of sustained work, you can go for longer work periods followed by longer breaks. One study found that workers who worked in 52 minutes spurts followed by a 17-minute break were more productive. Of course, no technique will work for everyone, so try different approaches and see what works for you.
Start Your Day with a Plan
If you aren’t planning your days yet, you need to do so immediately. Starting without a plan will make you feel scattered. You’ll also get a sense of accomplishment once you’re able to get everything on your to-do list done. You don’t have to mark down every single task you have to do for the day, however. One thing you could do is mark down the three most important things you need to do and start with the most difficult task first. This is what’s known as “swallowing the frog”. Getting the toughest tasks out of the way early will allow you to feel more relaxed throughout your day.
Do Work in Batches
Working in batches makes things much easier and functional, and will allow you to get more done in less time. Take your to-do list out and group similar tasks based on resources and functionality. You can then split your day into segments and assign a time window for each task group.
Spruce Up Your Workspace
You also have to make your workspace as enjoyable as possible while taking out all distractions. There needs to be plenty of natural light entering the room. If the room you’re in doesn’t have a window, think about switching. Several studies have shown the importance of natural light and how it can boost productivity and morale, and making this simple change could not only allow you to make the most out of your days but improve your mental health as well.
Your desk and room have to remain clutter-free. Clutter creates confusion, distraction, and frustration. The room has to be properly aerated as well. Make sure that there’s plenty of ventilation and consider adding a few green plants if possible. They will freshen up the room and create a more soothing environment.
These are all things that you could do immediately to improve your productivity levels. They are all simple to implement and won’t require major changes to your setup either.
5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity When Working from Home