The Fears You Refuse To Face Eventually Become Your Limits

The antidote for overcoming fear.

The Antidote For Overcoming Fear

“You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits.” — Paulo Coelho

Fear maintains its presence in our life through the energy given to it. It is the accumulation of pain and betrayal that characterises fear. This is why it is typical for many to hide from their fears, though sooner or later they grow big enough and overpower us. Have you noticed that avoiding fear gives it more energy to keep it alive? Distancing yourself from fear does not loosen its grip on you, it only constricts it. What is the antidote for overcoming fear then? Moving towards our fears is the way to make peace with them, so they don’t conquer us. Fear stifles our personal growth and limits our potential because of the narrative it preaches. It is nothing more than an illusion conjured up by the mind to keep us safe.

If we consider the storyline fear promotes, it is one of security and survival. That’s all well and good, until it limits our success and happiness. Has fear stopped you taking action in aspects of your life? Do you play it safe in terms of relationships for fear of being hurt again? Whilst it’s understandable, underlying this conflict may be your need to be in a loving relationship. This desire means you either subscribe to fear or trust your heart to lead the way. It is why your only source of joy and happiness is found in the unknown. I enjoy the message from motivational author and speaker Brendon Burchard who explains in The Motivation Manifesto: “Fear rules us only if we let it. In almost all cases, it is something that we can choose to activate or not activate. We can choose to run or not, even if our impulse is blaring at its highest decibel to run.”

“man holding his hair against sunlight” by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

You Have So Much Potential

“You can only hide from yourself in the noise, but not in the quiet. If you truly want to get to know yourself, then get rid of the distractions. If you want to really understand what has been holding you back, then simply and calmly focus your full attention within, and observe.” — Bryant McGill

Do you stay within your comfort zone with respect to your career? Do you feel unworthy of success or a better career? Be honest and face up to your pain, otherwise it’s likely to become your disappointment later on. You have so much potential that yearns to be developed. First, you must confront your fears and see them as nothing more than a facade that keeps you confined most of the time. Have you noticed those who play it safe never grow or venture outside their comfort zone and complain life is unfair, and that success is hard to attain? They believe life conspires against them and refuse to take risks. They avoid awakening their greatest potential, because fear convinces them it is not worth the effort. Their fears are their adversaries, not their safeguard.

I want you to make an agreement with yourself once you’ve finished this article. Declare you are worthy and capable of achieving what you set your mind to. However, you must move past your fears first and transform them into courage and faith. Reconcile your fears, otherwise they will torment you until you silence them. By facing your fears, you weaken their grip and see them as signposts leading towards a life of meaning and purpose. There’s a passage from the Gospel of St. Thomas that reads: “If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you.” It is with that I invite you to face your fears, rather than allow them to become your limits.


Originally published at Medium